Senin, 01 Oktober 2007
I. What is that?
There is some definition from expert:
1.Hornby”The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary”:
Democracy is a form of government in which all classes of people share in the government by choosing representative.
2.Abraham Lincoln:
Democracy is government form of the people by the people by the people for the people.
3.G.C.Field “Political Theory”:
Democracy is as far as the great mass of the population can exercise an effective influence on the decisions that make up/decide the work of government.
4.Bryne “Modern Democracies”:
Democracy is government in which the will of the majority of qualified citizens rules.
Democracy means governments by persons freely chosen by and responsible to he governed.
6.Hertz,”Political Realism and Political Idealism”:
Democracy is a form of government in which no one member of the community or no one group of members has political prerogative over any other. Government is thus the rule of all over all in the common as opposed to the individual or separate group interest.
Democracy is a form government in which the will of the governed executed (put into practice) without causing any harms to human rights.
8.Ranney “The governing of men”
Democracy is government by civilians.
Indeed good government is like a fast growing plant. The conduct of government; therefore depends upon the men the right men are obtained by the rules personal character. To cultivate his personal character, the ruler must use the moral- law. To cultivate the moral-law, the ruler must used the moral sense
A. Principles of democracy:
1Difision of power: legislative power executive power and judicial power in different body or hand.
2. Constitutional government
3. Rule of law:
-Supremacy of law
-Equality before the law (freedom of thought and speech).
4.majority rule
5. Government by discussion.
6.Free General election.
7.Political parties (more than one) and they perform their function:
1.Propocing candidates
2.Stimulating public opinion
3.Getting people to vote
4.Crisism of Regime
5.Responsibility government
6.Choosing appointive officers
7.Unifying the government
8.Open management
1.Social participation
2.Social Responsibility
3.Social Support
4.Social Control
9.Recognition of minority right.
10.Free press (freedom of taught and speech).
11.The protection of human right
12.Independent Judiciary
13.Controll over administration
14.The changeable political mechanism of social on governmental political life
B. Characteristic of Democracy
By Henry B.Mago: an Introduction to democratic theory.
1.Custitionalized peaceful settlement of conflict
2.peaceful change in changing of rulers.
3.Orderly Succession of Rulers
4.Minimum of coercion
6.Relative Justice
Indonesia is using pancasila Democracy because it is using approach pancasila as basic of constitution. Beside it, the form of government is Republic. Democracy pancasila is Government from the people by the people and for the people best on the pancasila
C.The principle of pancasila Democracy:
1.Devision of Power
Legislative power, Executive power and judicial power not in one hand but in the different body MPR, DPR, BPK, Precedent, DPA, and MA .
2.Rule of law
-Supremecy of law -Pancasila UUD 45
-Equality before the law
3.The protection of human rights
The Member of united Nation Organization.
4.Political party is more than one
5.Open management:
-Social participation Pemilu
-Social Responsibility: President in front of DPR
-Social Support
-Social Control
6.Majority rules (rule of the game)
Best of Pemilu result
7.Recognition of minority right of china
8.Free press: Directed press
9.Free general election: directed general election
10.Constitutional Government: UU
11.Government by discussion: DPR.
12.Independent judiciary: MA
13.Control over administration: Legislative control and judicial control
14..The changeable political mecanism of social and governmental political life
16. Agrrement:To discussion or Musyawaroh
D. Kinds of Democracy:
-. Constitutional Of Democracy
--Parliament of Democracy
-Leadership Democracy
-Pancasila Democracy
-Society Democracy
-Soviet Democracy
-Nation Democracy
II. How Does it work
Yet Commentators who defined” Democracy as government by public opinion” have in mind something quite different from this idea that no government can cursively it norence the opinion of the masses
They mean to convey the idea that an essential attribute of any genuine democracy is to certain kind of opinion forming-process-a process that is market by at leas five characteristic.
a. Freedom of communication. All members of the community have the opportunity to tell other what policies they desire and why and to be told by others.
b. Freedom of organization. All the members of the community to join with other like-minded person to organize group for pressing their mutual demands upon the government.
c. Intercrop discussion, negotiation and compromise.
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