Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
Sepintas tentang pengertian dan soal-soal Procedure Text
Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang berfungsi untuk memberikan petunjuk ataupun arahan tentang bagaimana cara melakukan sesuatu. Dengan adanya arahan yang tersusun secara terinci dalam teks tersebut maka diharapkan semua yang mengikutinya menjadi lebih mengerti.ketika kita mempelajari tentang teks procedure maka kita pasti akan menjumpai pertanyaan, bagaimana cara membuat teks procedure? Maka jawabanya sangat mudah sekali. Didalam teks procedure mempunyai tiga struktur. Yang pertama: aim or goal yaitu tentukan dulu apa tujuan dari teks yang ingin kita buat. Misal, bagaimana cara memasak mie instan. Yang kedua adalah bahan-bahan ataupun peralatan yang digunakan. Dan yang ketiga adalah langkah-langkahnya. Kita harus menyebutkan langkah-langkah tersebut secara berurutan. Selamat mencoba
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011
kudus cyber city, "komunitas blogger kabupaten kudus"
dunia blogging dikabupaten kudus terasa lekat disetiap pengguna internet saat ini. pasalnya pemkot kudus sendiripun ikut mendukung lahirnya blog blog yang sangat kompeten dengan maraknya lomba blog yang sering dilaukan oleh pemkot kudus itu sendiri. seiring perkembangan zaman, tentu para blogger kudus inipun muncul beriringan dan tumbuh subur bak jamur dimusim penghujan. akan tetapi yang patut disayangkan adalah tidak adanya komunitas "komunitas blogger kudus" yang dengan serta merta mengayomi blogger kudus itu sendiri.
banyak sekali para blogger kudus ini mempertanyakan adakah komunitas blogger kudus di kabupaten kudus ini? sebuah pertanyaan yang perlu jawaban besar,karena kabupaten kudus sendiri punya slogan KUDUS CYBER CITY. Bagaimana mungkin slogan ini dapat berjalan dengan indah tanpa ada dukungan penuh para komunitas cyber kudus. sementara komunitas cyber kudus sendiri belum ada yang mengayomi. inilah pr besar yang harus segera dislesaikan oleh pemkot kudus guna mewujudkan slogan kudus cyber city dengan indahnya.
dengn sekelumit tulisan ini saya sendiri (alif nur rohman) bloggerr besito gebog kudus mengajak anda semua untuk bersama sama membidani lahirnya komunitas blogger kudus. tolong tinggalkan komentar anda semua sebagai dukungan anda demi terbentuknya komunitas blogger kudus menuju kudus cyber city
kudus cyber city, “komunitas blogger kudus”
banyak sekali para blogger kudus ini mempertanyakan adakah komunitas blogger kudus di kabupaten kudus ini? sebuah pertanyaan yang perlu jawaban besar,karena kabupaten kudus sendiri punya slogan KUDUS CYBER CITY. Bagaimana mungkin slogan ini dapat berjalan dengan indah tanpa ada dukungan penuh para komunitas cyber kudus. sementara komunitas cyber kudus sendiri belum ada yang mengayomi. inilah pr besar yang harus segera dislesaikan oleh pemkot kudus guna mewujudkan slogan kudus cyber city dengan indahnya.
dengn sekelumit tulisan ini saya sendiri (alif nur rohman) bloggerr besito gebog kudus mengajak anda semua untuk bersama sama membidani lahirnya komunitas blogger kudus. tolong tinggalkan komentar anda semua sebagai dukungan anda demi terbentuknya komunitas blogger kudus menuju kudus cyber city
kudus cyber city, “komunitas blogger kudus”
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Download Pidato Peranan Pelajar Dalam Pembangunan Nasional
peran pelajar dalam pembangunan nasional
Asssalamua’laikum. WR. WB
The honorable judges and also teacher colleagues who I respect, first of all let us pray toward praise and thanksgiving to the God the mighty one who has given grace and gift to all of us, so that we can gather in this place, I would say many thanks for the opportunity that has been given to me to deliver a speech entitled “the role of students in the national development”.
National development is a human quality improvement efforts and the Indonesian society in a sustainable manner by making use of advances in science and technology and attention to global development challenges. Implementation refers to a nation's personality and noble universal values to embody the life of a sovereign nation, independent, fair, prosperous, advanced, and strong moral and ethical strength. The purpose of national development itself, is an attempt to improve the welfare of the entire nation of Indonesia. And its implementation is not just a government responsibility, but also the responsibility of the entire people of Indonesia. The point is that every Indonesian citizen must participate and play a role in carrying out development in accordance with the profession and the capabilities of each.
The participation of every citizen in national development can be done in various ways, such as compulsory education program, pay taxes, preserve the environment, comply with all regulations and legislation in force, maintain order and security, and so on.
National development include things that berdifat outer and inner harmony, harmonious and balanced. That is why the national development aimed at realizing fatherly man and the whole Indonesian people, namely the inner and outer peace.
Berdifat outward development undertaken to meet the basic need of human physical needs, such as food, clothing, housing, office buildings, factories, irrigation, transportation facilities and infrastructure and sports, and so on. While the example of the inward development is the construction of infrastructure facilities and places of worship, education, recreation, entertainment, health, and so on.
One of the main facts in support of national development are human resources development, human resources development as a benchmark for the success of a development. Then the development of human resources should be started early in which man was born to adulthood.
As for how to build the human resource is to equip people that the building itself is very important, and is a responsibility that must be carried as a good citizen.
In development, youth or student never misses or can not be separated because they are bersinerji from each other. Where students must take an active role in such development.
As for student involvements are:
1. Students can participate by studying hard in their studies to be applied in society later.
2. Serving as a source of inspiration both in society and in the school environment.
3. Students as a controller in development.
That would be nice if my speech can motivate us for future.
Therefore, I challenge you to be diligent boy with read and read.
Don’t be a lazy boy, be a successful man in the every moments.
Say : No days without study, No days without reading, and No days without learning.
Say : Yes ! … We can … We can … We can …Okay !!!
See you later, good bye… may ALLAH blessing us.
Amen… Amen… Amen…
And I would say thank you for your attention, Akhirul kallam… Summassalamua’laikum. WR. WB
The honorable judges and also teacher colleagues who I respect, first of all let us pray toward praise and thanksgiving to the God the mighty one who has given grace and gift to all of us, so that we can gather in this place, I would say many thanks for the opportunity that has been given to me to deliver a speech entitled “the role of students in the national development”.
National development is a human quality improvement efforts and the Indonesian society in a sustainable manner by making use of advances in science and technology and attention to global development challenges. Implementation refers to a nation's personality and noble universal values to embody the life of a sovereign nation, independent, fair, prosperous, advanced, and strong moral and ethical strength. The purpose of national development itself, is an attempt to improve the welfare of the entire nation of Indonesia. And its implementation is not just a government responsibility, but also the responsibility of the entire people of Indonesia. The point is that every Indonesian citizen must participate and play a role in carrying out development in accordance with the profession and the capabilities of each.
The participation of every citizen in national development can be done in various ways, such as compulsory education program, pay taxes, preserve the environment, comply with all regulations and legislation in force, maintain order and security, and so on.
National development include things that berdifat outer and inner harmony, harmonious and balanced. That is why the national development aimed at realizing fatherly man and the whole Indonesian people, namely the inner and outer peace.
Berdifat outward development undertaken to meet the basic need of human physical needs, such as food, clothing, housing, office buildings, factories, irrigation, transportation facilities and infrastructure and sports, and so on. While the example of the inward development is the construction of infrastructure facilities and places of worship, education, recreation, entertainment, health, and so on.
One of the main facts in support of national development are human resources development, human resources development as a benchmark for the success of a development. Then the development of human resources should be started early in which man was born to adulthood.
As for how to build the human resource is to equip people that the building itself is very important, and is a responsibility that must be carried as a good citizen.
In development, youth or student never misses or can not be separated because they are bersinerji from each other. Where students must take an active role in such development.
As for student involvements are:
1. Students can participate by studying hard in their studies to be applied in society later.
2. Serving as a source of inspiration both in society and in the school environment.
3. Students as a controller in development.
That would be nice if my speech can motivate us for future.
Therefore, I challenge you to be diligent boy with read and read.
Don’t be a lazy boy, be a successful man in the every moments.
Say : No days without study, No days without reading, and No days without learning.
Say : Yes ! … We can … We can … We can …Okay !!!
See you later, good bye… may ALLAH blessing us.
Amen… Amen… Amen…
And I would say thank you for your attention, Akhirul kallam… Summassalamua’laikum. WR. WB
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